The project's aim is to equip parents and educators with the goal of helping students with special needs subject to inclusion merge better with the rest of the society,to overcome the deficiencies of educators in the inclusion education by comparison to those found in Europe.
It is also among the goals of this project to allow sharing of different methods and techniques used in different countries for inclusion education aiming for social acceptance.
It is also hoped that this project will shed light into ways of improving existing applications by comparing rules and regulations in different countries guiding the inclusion education.
Parents,classroom teachers and administrative personnel responsible for inclusion education,students and Special Education Center educators make the target group of this project.
As a result of this project,parents will have an increased awareness towards inclusion education and its application, the shortcomings in the knowledge and methods of those classroom teachers responsible for the inclusion education will have been remedied,family/school collaboration will have been established,the quality of education will have been enhanced for all individuals,students with special needs will have been empowered to take responsibility in the inclusion education on volunteer terms -which will help the merging process of students with special needs whose inclusion education continue -, the academics and peer skills of those students with special needs between the ages 6-14 will have been improved and their social acceptance will have been achieved.
The Study of the Development of Attitude Scale
Directorate of National Education's project team and Polatli Guidance and Research Center aim to develop a scale to evaluate the teachers' attitude toward inclusion education. After reliability research, the scale will be applied to the teachers of the pilot school.